So Far, So Good.
We went away to Italy for ten days (I have some interesting agricultural observations, but that's another post), and got back on April 27th. I've done a lot but have been so busy, that I have not been able to take the time to post anything. So, its time to catch up.
On April 30th, I seeded all of the winter and summer squash, cucumbers, beans and Long Island Brussels sprouts. Nothing special about these Brussels sprouts, its just that I had enough room left in one of the flats for them.
Winter Squash
- Carving Pumpkin
- Sugar Pumpkin
- Waltham Butternut
- Burgess Buttercup
- Spaghetti
- Bush Buttercup
- Cornell Delicata
- Long of Naples
- Kabocha
- Buttercup
- Black Turtle Beans
- Cherokee Trail of Tears
- Dragon Tongue
- Red Kidney (Pole)
- Flat White Bush (Bush)
- Round White (Bush)
The day after I got back, I took some pictures of the things I seeded in early April.The trays on the left are the eggplant mixed hot peppers and herbs, plus some flowers I ordered online. The trays on the right are the tomatoes, sweet and (additional) hot peppers, and flowers I started from seed.
On May 1st, I seeded the remaining brassica, melons and watermelons.
- Early Jesi Cauliflower
- Snowball Cauliflower
- Purple Cape Cauliflower
- Long Island Improved Brussel Sprouts
- Rubine Brussel Sprouts
- Green Goliath Broccoli
- Calabrese Broccoli
- Coppenhagen Cabbage
- Savoy Cabbage
Six days later, on the 7th, I took these shots. Its just a left to right progression, with the newest items in the second and third photos. You can see the increased growth is pretty amazing. You can also see in the middle flats that the beans, cucumbers and squash are just starting to poke out.

Fast forward to photos from the ninth, and the results are pretty amazing.
Taken today, two days later, you can see in these photos that the squash and cucumbers are now as big, if not bigger than the slower growing tomatoes, eggplant and peppers that I started over five weeks ago. One interesting note, is that in the lower-left corner of the third flat from the left on the bottom (first photo), things look sparse. There are six slots in which I seeded the Bush Delicata winter squash. This is the only squash for which I used my own, saved seed. I had saved two different squash fruits, from two different plants, both of which I hand pollinated. I got a 67% germination rated from the second one, but nothing from the first one, I can only assume that somehow, a bee managed to pollinate that one before or after I did with pollen from a different squash, causing it to create sterile seed. I put in three more seeds from number one, just to see what would happen, and ten more from number two to actually get more plants.
I also sowed parsnips, carrots and radishes in raised beds. On May first, I put in French breakfast radishes and Touchon carrots. The radishes actually poked through after just three or four days. On May 7th, I did James Scarlet carrots, Crimson Giant radishes, Sparkler White Tip radishes, Harris parsnips, and I believe Hollow Crown parsnips. I believe they are Hollow Crowns because I both parsnip seed from Burpee two years ago, and took seed from them last season, in their second year. Since Burpee only lists this variety, I'm assuming that is what they are. Next up this weekend: lettuce, onions and corn.
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