We had a frost alert for Sunday evening, so on Sunday afternoon I dug up the sweet potatoes and harvested the butternut squash. As you can see, the butternut "harvest" was pathetic. Just thirteen, smallish fruits. Most weren't really ready, and to top it all off, no frost. To put it in perspective, last year, I filled three grape cases with full-sized butternuts that needed the separators I macguyvered to keep them from touching. The largest of this year's crop barely peeks over the side of the grape case.
The sweet potatoes were also a joke, as I anticipated. However, some were large enough to give me hope that with enough soil preparation and without the biblical flooding we got this year, they will do pretty well. These are Georgia Jets. We also still have eggplants, chili peppers, sweet peppers and herbs producing. Looks like if we can get past Wednesday night, we will be OK well into next week.
On the plus side, I roasted my first, ripe delicata (on the grill, wrapped in foil) and it was phenomenal. I seasoned it with a bit of butter and some salt, but it could have been eaten without any help at all. Sweet, great texture and great natural flavor. I will definitely plant more next year.