Damn That Groundhog!
I was starting to get a little excited. Even though it is barely mid-February, and still very cold, Superbowl weekend to me is always the Rubicon which gets me to start looking ahead to spring. You start to realize that the days have gotten a little longer, and that there is a light at the end of that longer winter tunnel . . . and then old man winter whacks you with a Nor'Easter. The meteorweannies were predicting up to 15 inches and that our pets' heads would fall off, but now it looks like it will end up being just 3-5 inches.
I'm continuing my plan of eliminating hybrids and going atrictly with heirlooms and open-pollinated varieties. I think I am just about done. I found a couple of really good online sites for heirlooms; cherrycal.com and rareseeds.com. I got some others from Burpee and Park Seed, but Cherrygal and Rareseeds have much larger selections.